Monday, August 30, 2010
13 Reasons Why Questions
1. How is Tony connected to the tapes? Tony is connected to the tapes, because he was mentioned in one of the tapes, and he can distribute the second set of tapes if people dont pass them around like what they were supposed to do in the beginning.
2. What did Hannah give Tony? Hannah gave Tony her bike.
3. What did Hannah leave outside Tony’s house? Hannah left a package outside of Tony's house.
4. Why do you think Hannah gave Tony the second set of tapes? I think Hannah gave the second sets of tapes to Tony, so he would have another copy just incase people dont pass them around like how they were suppose to
5. Who is Jenny? Any why is she in the tapes? Jenny is a cheerleader in this book. She was in the tapes, because she got into an accident killing an old man.
6. What did Jenny do which later on caused on accident? Jenny crashed into a stop sign which then later on caused an accident.
7. Who died at the accident? An old man that was living in Hannah's old house died in the fatal car crash.
8. List character in this chapter one sentence for each character. The characters in this chapter is Hannah, Jenny, Tony, and the old man. Jenny is the cheerleader which causes the accident killing the old man which is the man that lies in Hannah's old house. Tony is the person who has the second set of tapes.
9. Tell me the settings. The setting of this chapter happens in the neighborhood including Tony's house.
10. What was your favorite part of the chapter? My favorite part of this chapter was when Hannah Baker left a package at Tony's house.
11. What can you relate to in this chapter? I cant relate to this chapter. I dont have any experiences wit what happened in this chapter.
12. Pick 3 voc words - define, make sentence
- possessions- n. actual holding or occupancy, either with or without rights of ownership
- Sentence- This guy on the news got arrested for possessions of firearms.
- definitely- adv. in a definite manner; unambiguously
- Sentence- I'll definitely be at the party tonight.
- reasonable- adj.agreeable to reason or sound judgment
- Sentence- The police officer doesnt have a reasonable explanation in arresting the man.
13. Make a prediction of what will happen in the next chapter. Next chapter I predict that Hannah is going to kill herself.
13 Reasons Why Questions
Cassette 5 side B Aug. 25
1. Who walked into the room that Hannah was in? Justin and Jessica both walked in the same room that Hannah was in.
List character in this chapter one sentence for each character. The characters in this chapter is Jessica, Justin, and Hannah.
Tell me the settings. The settings was in their neighborhood and in school.
what was your favorite part of the chapter? I dont have a favorite part in this chapter, because its not funny when someone is getting raped.
What can you relate to in this chapter? I dont relate to this chapter.
9. Pick 3 voc words - define, make sentence
- stalling- n. a compartment in a stable or shed for the accommodation of one animal
- Sentence- My dog was stalling in the room.
- gaze- v. to look steadily and intently, as with great curiosity, interest, pleasure, or wonder
- Sentence- I gazed at the mesmerizing picture.
- voyeuristic- adj. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a voyeur or of voyeurism
- Sentence- Some of Hannah's classmate stayed in for sme amazing voyeuristic opportunity.
10. Make a prediction of what will happen in the next chapter. In the next chapter I predict that Hannah is going to the party.
13 Reasons Why Questions
Ch.10 Cassette 5: Side A
1. Did you know Tony had something to do with the tapes? Why or why not? No, I did not know that Tony had something to do with the tapes, because it was never mentioned in the chapter where he first mentioned.
2.What number is Clay on the tapes? Clay is number 9 and is on the 5th tape.
3.How Is Clay Jenson described by most people, according to Hannah? According to Hannah, Clay was the nice type of guy.
4.Do you think Clay belongs in most “the list”? Why or why not? I think Clay belongs in the tape, because he was one o the few people that made an impact good or bad in Hannah' life.
5.Why was Hannah so surprised that Clay was going to a party? Hannah was so surprised that Clay was goin to a party, because now she has the time to get to know him more and actually talk to him one on one.
6.Why was Hannah grounded? Hannah was grounded, because of her grades.
7.What did she do to go to the party? Hannah raised her grades so she was able to go to the party.
8.Describe Hannah and Clay’s conversation. Hannah and Clay's conversation was all about personal questions. It seemed like Clay was interested in Hannah, because of all the questions he was asking.
9.Why did Hannah push Clay away? Hannah pushed Clay away, because she didnt want anymore to her reputation as being a slut.
10.What did she do after Clay left? Hannah went home after Clay left.
11. What is the setting in his chapter? The setting of this chapter was outside the neighborhood at the party.
12.List all the main characters in this chapter and tell one thing about them . The main characters in this chapter was Hannah, Clay, and Tony.
13. What is the problem in this chapter. The problem was that Hannah was grounded, because of her grades which means she couldnt go to the party unless she improves her grades.
14 Make a prediction for the next section. I predict that Hannah is going to feel so awkward the next day around Clay, because of all the questions he was asking her at the party.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
13 Reasons Why Questions
1. What did Hannah do to express her feelings? In order for Hannah to express her feelings, she would often write poems.
2. Why do you think Tony is outside the dinner, just waiting? I think Tony is outside the dinner just waiting, because he wants to talk to someone who was in that dinner.
3. What class did Hannah join, and who was in that class? Hannah joined the poetry class, and Ryan Shaver was in that same class as her.
4.What did Ryan steal from Hannah? Ryan Shaver stole one of the poems that Hannah wrote.
5. What did he do with it? Ryan published Hannah's poem into the Lost- N- Found.
6. How do you think Hannah felt by having to listen to her poem be read over and over in class? I think Hannah felt unappreciated by having to listen to her poem over and over again in class.
7. What is the setting in his chapter? The setting of this chapter was in poetry class.
8. List all the main characters in this chapter and tell one thing about them. The main characters in this chapter is Hannah Baker, Ryan Shaver, and Clay.
9. What is the problem in this chapter. The conflict in this chapter is that Ryan Shaver steals Hannah Baker's poems and says it was from him.
10 Make a prediction for the next section. In the next chapter, I predict that Hannah Baker will reveal the next person that made a good/ bad impact in her life.
13 Reasons Why Questions
13 Reasons Why Question

- peppy- adj. energetic, vigorous; lively
- Sentence- The cheerleader in my old school were so peppy every time I see them.
- squad- n. a sports team or a group of players from which a team is selected
- Sentence- The whole squad of cheerleaders performed their daily routine.
- lumberjack- n. a person who works at lumbering; logger
- Sentence- The lumberjack made a log cabin for his family.
- acquaintances- n. a person known to one, but usually not a close friend
- Sentence- Jasmine was just my acquaintance, and nothing else.
- pessimist- n. a person who habitually sees or anticipates the worst or is disposed to be gloomy
- Sentence- Hannah Baker left the office a pessimist.
13 Reasons Why Questions
1. Who is Courtney? Describe her? Courtney Crimsen was a nice and pretty girl with nice hair, pretty smile, and perfect skin.
2. How does Hannah see her? Hannah sees Courtney as one of the most popular and perfect girls in school.
3. Do you know anyone who is always posed? How are they different in public or private? I dont remember anyone being fake to me. But if someone was to always pose me they would act fake in public, and they would show the real them in private.
4. How did Courtney affect Hannah? Courtney affected Hannah, because she was pretending to get close to Hannah and be nice to her so people would think that shes a really nice person.
5. Why couldn’t people resist Courtney, have you tried to flirt your way to get what you wanted? People couldnt resist Courtney, beause she would flirt her wayto get what she wanted. Yes I've flirted before just so I could get what I want.
6. Why is Clay so compelled to follow the map? Would you go to all the locations? Clay was so compelled about the maps, because he wanted to know more instead of listening to the tapes. Yes, I would go to all the places.
7. Who does Clay see in the bus? Who is she? Clay sees Skye Miller, and she was Clay's eighth grade crush.
8. Who does Clay see outside of Tyler’s house? Clay sees Marcus Cooley outside Tyler's house.
9. Who broke Tyler’s window? Alex was the one to break Tyler's window.
10. Why does Hannah think Courtney used her? Hannah thought Courtney used her, because Courtney asked Hannah to go to the party with her, but as soon as they got they she had left Hannah.
11. What events happened at the party? A guy went up to Hannah and started talking to her. He also said that she would be a fun girl to be with.
12. What did Courtney say about Hannah? And why do you think she said it? Courtney told the guy that Hannah had a lot of surprises in Hannah's dresser drawers.
13. Do you think it was fair of Hannah to leave Courtney at the part without a ride? Why? I think it was fair that Hannah left Courtney at the party without a ride, because Courtney just used her for a ride anywys and thats what she gets for doing that.