Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Long Way Gone Ch. 5 Questions

Chapter 5 Questions

1. What was happening to his body? Ishmael's stomach was hurting, because he was so hungry. It was painful to drink water and he felt cramps in his guts. It felt like something was eating the insides of his stomach.

2. Why were they getting irritable? Can you relate? They were irritable, because the one cassava farm didn't last long, and their were no birds and rabbits to be found. I would too be irritable if there was nothing to eat.

3. How many of them are there running away? There was six of them running away.

4. What happened to the little boy eating corn? The little boy's corn got taken away and he went crying to his parents.

5. How did his mom react? Would you do the same? The mom didn't confront the six boys, because she understand why they stole her son's corn. I would do the same, because I very much understand why they took the corn away. It was like they had no choice. They were all desperately hungry.

6. Explain the incident with the Rebels? What would you have done? They were caught walking by the rebels, and the rebels pointed their guns at Gibrilla. They then took the boys to their village. If I was in their place, I wouldn't have done anything, because the rebels were holding guns, and I wouldn't want to risk that.

7. Describe Rebels, what look like, their age, and attitude.The rebels weren't older than 21. One of the rebels was dressed in sleeveless army shirt and jeans, his head tied with a red cloth. The other two rebels were dressed in jeans jackets and pants, they were wearing baseball hats backwards and new Adidas sneakers. All three of the rebels wore a lot of fancy watches on both of their wrists, which they had stole from houses and shops that had been looted.

8. What happened to the old man trying to escape? The old man that was trying to escape was caught by a rebel that was waiting for him at the end of the bridge, and was brought where everybody was at.

9. What was their culture like? What are your expectations from your culture to – elders? The rebels weren't respecting the old man. They would push him to the ground, make fun of him, and point their guns at him. In my culture, we would never do such a thing. We have to respect our elders no matter what.

10. How do the rebels do recruitment? The rebels would like them up and chose. Each person that was chosen was asked to stand in a different line facing the previous one. To get chosen for recruitment they had to kill people in front of the rebels to determine who is the weak and the strong one.

11. What did the new recruits have to do after they were chosen? Is there a time in your life that you were pressured to do something or be part of a group, family? The new recruits had to kill people in front of the rebels. This way the rebels would know how strong or weak the new recruits are. Yes there was a time when I was pressured to do something in order for me to be part a family or group.

12. How does he escape death again? Ishmael escaped death by crawling under the bush. He stayed there for an hour until he heard his friends voice.

13. Why do you think no one talked until dawn? I think no one talked until dawn, because the rebels were still nearby.

14. How did the Rebel incident affect the boys? The rebel incident made a bad impact on the boys. It was like they were living a nightmare. They were clueless, and they didn't know a safe place to go to.

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