Monday, August 30, 2010

13 Reasons Why Questions

Ch. 12 Cassette 6: Side A
1. How is Tony connected to the tapes? Tony is connected to the tapes, because he was mentioned in one of the tapes, and he can distribute the second set of tapes if people dont pass them around like what they were supposed to do in the beginning.

2. What did Hannah give Tony? Hannah gave Tony her bike.

3. What did Hannah leave outside Tony’s house? Hannah left a package outside of Tony's house.

4. Why do you think Hannah gave Tony the second set of tapes? I think Hannah gave the second sets of tapes to Tony, so he would have another copy just incase people dont pass them around like how they were suppose to

5. Who is Jenny? Any why is she in the tapes? Jenny is a cheerleader in this book. She was in the tapes, because she got into an accident killing an old man.

6. What did Jenny do which later on caused on accident? Jenny crashed into a stop sign which then later on caused an accident.

7. Who died at the accident? An old man that was living in Hannah's old house died in the fatal car crash.

8. List character in this chapter one sentence for each character. The characters in this chapter is Hannah, Jenny, Tony, and the old man. Jenny is the cheerleader which causes the accident killing the old man which is the man that lies in Hannah's old house. Tony is the person who has the second set of tapes.

9. Tell me the settings. The setting of this chapter happens in the neighborhood including Tony's house.

10. What was your favorite part of the chapter? My favorite part of this chapter was when Hannah Baker left a package at Tony's house.

11. What can you relate to in this chapter? I cant relate to this chapter. I dont have any experiences wit what happened in this chapter.

12. Pick 3 voc words - define, make sentence
  • possessions- n. actual holding or occupancy, either with or without rights of ownership
  • Sentence- This guy on the news got arrested for possessions of firearms.
  • definitely- adv. in a definite manner; unambiguously
  • Sentence- I'll definitely be at the party tonight.
  • reasonable- adj.agreeable to reason or sound judgment
  • Sentence- The police officer doesnt have a reasonable explanation in arresting the man.

    13. Make a prediction of what will happen in the next chapter. Next chapter I predict that Hannah is going to kill herself.

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