Ch. 12 Vocabulary Words.

- agonizing- adj. accompanied by, filled with, or resulting in agony or distress
- Sentence- The man cried out in agonizing pain when he got badly hurt.
- complemented- adj. having a complement or complements
- Sentence- I complemented my friend for being so pretty.
- latrines- n. a toilet or something used as a toilet, as a trench in the earth in a camp, or bivouac area
- Sentence- The refugees used latrines whenever they need to use the bathroom.
- colleagues- n. an associate
- Sentence- I love working with my colleagues, because they make working fun.
- various- adj. of different kinds, as two or more things; differing one from another
- Sentence- I have an option of various of electives to choose from in school.
- gruesome- adj. causing great horror; horribly repugnant; grisly
- Sentence- Sahal witnessed a gruesome sight.
- dilemma- n. a situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives
- Sentence- Once in a while I would be in a dilemma.
- megaphone- n. a cone-shaped device for magnifying or directing the voice, chiefly used in addressing a large audience out of doors or in calling to someone at a distance
- Sentence- I used a megaphone to get people's attention.
- tarpaulin- n. a protective covering of canvas or other material waterproofed with tar, paint, or wax
- Sentence- I put a tarpaulin to protect my kids from the sun's rays.
- dilapidated- adj. reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear, or neglect
- Sentence- My teddy bear dilapidated throughout the years of being in the cloest.
- countenance- n. calm facial expression; composure
- Sentence- Jasmine always had a countenance smile on her face.
- cherishing- v. to care for tenderly; nurture
- Sentence- I love cherishing my little cousin when he was a little baby.
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