- inhabitants- n. a person or animal that inhabits a place, esp. as a permanent resident
- Sentence- The monkey's inhabitants is the jungle.
- apprentices- n. a person who works for another in order to learn a trade
- Sentence- Two businessman were apprentices to one successful businessman.
- congested- v. to cause an unnatural accumulation of blood or other fluid in (a body part or blood vessel)
- Sentence- The woman's airways were congested with mucus.
- shuffled- v. to intermix so as to change the relative positions of cards in a pack
- Sentence- After every game I was always the one who shuffled the cards.
- marvelous- adj. superb; excellent; great
- Sentence- I would always get a marvelous grade in my English class.
- possessed- adj. spurred or moved by a strong feeling, madness, or a supernatural power
- Sentence- A girl was possessed by an evil spirit.
- intricate- adj. having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved
- Sentence- This picture had an intricate images.
- uncertainty- n. the state of being uncertain; doubt; hesitancy
- Sentence- The man was uncertainty of what to do to his worthless employees.
- transparent- adj. easily seen through, recognized, or detected
- Sentence- My laptop's wallpaper is transparent to my wall.
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