Chapter 20 Vocabulary Words

- Generate- v. to produce by a chemical process
- Sentence- Lemons can generate the light bulb to light up.
- Accumulating- v. to gather into a heap, mass, cover, etc.; form a steadily increasing quantity
- Sentence- His debts kept accumulating, because hes not paying his bills.
- Radiator- n. any of various heating devices, as a series or coil of pipes through which steam or hot water passes
- Sentence- We have a radiator in the house which produces heat.
- Baffled- v. to confuse, bewilder, or perplex
- Sentence- The men were baffled at the puzzle pieces that they were trying to figure out.
- Facilitators- n. a person responsible for leading or coordinating the work of a group, as one who leads a group discussion
- Sentence- The facilitators held a meeting.
- Compelling- adj. having a powerful and irresistible effect; requiring acute admiration, attention, or respect
- Sentence- The drama skit was so compelling.
- Awe- n. an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like
- Sentence- The little girl was in awe when she saw how big the elephant was.
- Oriented- v. to familiarize (a person) with new surroundings or circumstances, or the like
- Sentence- I was oriented at my new place.
- Overwhelmed- v. to overcome completely in mind or feeling
- Sentence- I was so overwhelmed at all the work I had to do.
- Mesmerized- v. to hypnotize.
- Sentence- I was mesmerized by the picture that I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
- Aimlessly- adj. without aim; purposeless.
- Sentence- I aimlessly shot the target.
- Influential- n. a person who exerts or can exert strong influence
- Sentence- Oprah Winfrey is an influential individual.
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