# 1.Petrified- v. to benumb or paralyze with astonishment, horror, or other strong emotion
Sentence- Ellie and the prisoners were petrified at what they had seen.
# 2.existence- n. continuance in being or life; life
Sentence- Some Jews didnt know the existence of Auswhitz.

# 3.Monocle- n. an eyeglass for one eye.
Sentence- Dr. Mengele wore a monocle.

# 4.Crematory- n. a place, as a funeral establishment, at which cremation is done.
Sentence- Crematories were built so the dead bodies of Jews can turn into ashes.

# 5.Agony- n. extreme and generally prolonged pain; intense physical or mental suffering
Sentence- Ellie didnt want to die in the slow agony of the flames.

# 6.Humanity- n. all human beings collectively; the human race; humankind.
Sentence- Ellie's father believed that humanity is not concerned with them and their sufferings.

# 7.Convulsively- adj.of the nature of or characterized by convulsions or spasms.
Sentence- Ellie father's body was shaking convulsively.

# 8.Wreaths- n. any ringlike, curving, or curling mass or formation
Sentence- Wreaths of smoke rose up from the crematories.

# 9.Nocturnal- adj. done, occurring, or coming at night
Sentence- Bats are nocturnal animals, because they only come out at night.

# 10.Bestial- adj. without reason or intelligence; brutal; inhuman
Sentence- There were so many bestial brutality in the extermination and concentration camps.

# 11.Threshold- n. the entrance to a house or building.
Sentence- The prisoners all believed that they were on the threshold of death.

# 12.Lucidity- adj. easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible
Sentence- Ellie lucidity seemed to believe that there were souls ondemned to wander through space till the generations of man came to an end.

# 13.Oblivion- n. official disregard or overlooking of offenses; pardon; amnesty
Sentence- The souls seeked oblivion.

# 14.Harangued- n.a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe
Sentence- An SS offcier harangued the prisoners with a speech.

# 15.Convalescent- adj. of or pertaining to convalescence or convalescing persons
Sentence- The SS officer said that Auschwitz was not a convalescent home.

# 16.Colic- n. paroxysmal pain in the abdomen or bowels.
Sentence- The baby suffered from colic, so the dad found a comfortable position for the baby.

# 17.Clout- n.a blow, esp. with the hand; cuff
Sentence- The gypsy dealt with Ellie's father with such a clout.

# 18.reverie- n. a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing
Sentence- Ellie had a reverie when he was outside.

# 19.Compulsory- adj. required; mandatory; obligatory
Sentence- In the United States education is compulsory.

# 20.disperse- v.to drive or send off in various directions; scatter
Sentence- The officers holding the whips dispersed the whole crowd.
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