Chapter 9 Vocabulary Words

- Simultaneously- adj. existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent
- Sentence- The sound of the ocean waters simultaneously reached their ears.

- Anesthesia- n. general or local insensibility, as to pain and other sensation, induced by certain interventions or drugs to permit the performance of surgery or other painful procedures
- Sentence- Doctors often put anesthesia on a patient before any surgical procedures.

- Hesitantly- adj. hesitating; undecided, doubtful, or disinclined
- Sentence- I hesitantly said no to drugs.

- Discouraged- v. to deprive of courage, hope, or confidence; dishearten; dispirit
- Sentence- I was discouraged when I was told I couldn't do something that I thought I could

- Inevitable- adj. unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary
- Sentence- The rebels were inevitable.

- Succession- n. the coming of one person or thing after another in order, sequence, or in the course of events
- Sentence- Ishmael often had succession of memories of his family and friends.

- Subsided- v. to become quiet, less active, or less violent; abate
- Sentence- The muscular men subsided and let the boys go with a good punishment.

- Attentively- adj. characterized by or giving attention; observant
- Sentence- Ishmael attentively looked at the Atlantic Ocean, because he has never seen such a thing.

- Intricate- adj. complex; complicated; hard to understand, work, or make
- Sentence- I had to solve this intricate puzzle.
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