Vocabulary Words

- Oblivious- adj. forgetful; without remembrance or memory
- Sentence- I was often oblivious about my failures from the past.
- Vigorously- adj. powerful in action or effect
- Sentence- Ishmael vigorously attacked his enemies.
- Demanded- v. to ask for peremptorily or urgently
- Sentence- I demanded my dog to sit down.
- Possibilities- n. the state or fact of being possible
- Sentence- There was a possibilities that Ishmael could die during the war.
- Motioned- n. the action or process of moving or of changing place or position; movement
- Sentence- I motioned for the nearest knife when I was getting attacked by this crazy man.
- Thatched- n.a material, as straw, rushes, leaves, or the like, used to cover roofs, grain stacks, etc
- Sentence- The house's rooftop was covered in thatch leaves.
- Mounted- adj. serving on horseback or on some special mount, as soldiers or police
- Sentence- Warriors were mounted on their horse's backs.
- Pretending- v. to allege or profess, esp. insincerely or falsely
- Sentence- My brother was only pretending to go sleep so I can go away.
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