Vocabulary Words

*massacres- n. the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of human beings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or for revenge or plunder
Sentence- The children reminded the people about the massacres, which struck fear in their hearts and mind again.

*voluntary- adj. done, made, brought about, undertaken, etc., of one's own accord or by free choice
Sentence- The voluntary guards were ordered to take Ishmael and his friends back to the chief of their village.

*parables- n. a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson
Sentence- Rap music was just like telling a parable story, but in white man's language.
*blistered- n. a thin vesicle on the skin, containing watery matter or serum, as from a burn or other injury
Sentence- Ishmael's palms got blistered from cutting bushes the whole day.

*midday- n. the middle of the day; noon or the time centering around noon
Sentence- The soil smelled damp in midday.

*engulfed- v. to swallow up in or as in a gulf; submerge
Sentence- The river rose which swallowed part of the village.

*scouting- n. an act or instance of reconnoitering; reconnaissance
Sentence- Ishmael and his friends were ordered from their scouting posts onto out into the fields.

*fertile- adj. bearing, producing, or capable of producing vegetation, crops, etc., abundantly; prolific
Sentence- Ishmael thanked the gods and ancestors for giving them fertile soil to plant their crops.

*pitied- n. a cause or reason for pity, sorrow, or regret
Sentence- Ishmael and his brother were often pitied for not having parents.

*occasional- adj. occurring or appearing at irregular or infrequent intervals; occurring now and then
Sentence- The birds would occasionally flap their birds during spring time.
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