1.Suitable- adj. such as to suit; appropriate; fitting; becoming
Sentence- The dress looked suitable on her.

2.Familiarize- v. to make (oneself or another) well-acquainted or conversant with
Sentence- I had to familiarize myself on the place where I was getting stationed at.

3.Vicinity- n. the area or region near or about a place; surrounding district; neighborhood
Sentence- I live in a good vicinity where everyone is all nice.

4.Irresistibly- adj. not resistible; incapable of being resisted or withstood
Sentence- I was looking at chocolate and it was irresistibly good.

5.Hesitantly- adj. hesitating; undecided, doubtful, or disinclined
Sentence- I hesitantly said no when my friends asked me if I wanted to go to the club with them.

6.Medicinal- adj. of, pertaining to, or having the properties of a medicine; curative; remedial
Sentence- Ishmael tried looking for the medicinal leaves that his grandfather used.

7.Visualize- v. to recall or form mental images or pictures
Sentence- Ishmael tried not to visualize those brutal images.

Sentence- Ishmael met a man that was notorious in his village.

Sentence- Ishmael almost got lured into a trap while was walking through the jungle.
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